Good morning all of my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and those of you who have yet to make the decision to trust in Him. I pray that the goodness of God will be multiplied in your lives today as you go about your daily affairs.
I just want to encourage those of you who have been under constant attack lately. Maybe you have been under attack in your home, on the job, or perhaps, by way of your character; but by whatever avenue you have been assailed, I want to remind you of, and reiterate, two overlooked truths of God’s Word.
First, we must remember that people are not our real enemy; they are only conduits in which the real enemy uses to carry out his sinister agenda. For the Bible tells us, in Ephesians, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” So as much as that spouse or co-worker or stranger gets on our nerves, we must extend grace, remembering that none of us are perfect. And trust me, IT IS hard sometimes.
And the second truth is this: The devil, who is the real enemy, has to get permission from God in order to attack us. In the book of Job this was the case and in the situation with Simon Peter, this was also the case.
So if this premise is true for all of God’s people, and it is, that in itself should encourage us to keep believing and to keep on walking by faith, knowing that our Heavenly Father has sovereignly allowed us to be attacked. Now granted, I know it does not feel good to be attacked in any form or fashion, but it will also serve us to remember, that if God has allowed it, then it has a divine purpose to accomplish in our lives.
Therefore, my brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus and those of you who have yet to make the decision to trust in Him, BE ENCOURAGED ON TODAY because the victory has already been secured. BE ENCOURAGED ON TODAY because even THAT which does not feel good to us, God is using it to bring about good for us. And lastly, BE ENCOURAGED ON TODAY because attacks are temporary but what they’re producing within us is eternal.
Written By: Minister Derrick Collins
Yes I Trust Him I 🙌🏾