When the disciples answered the initial call to Christ they had no idea what it entailed yet they trusted him enough to drop their lives and follow him. They became the disciples of Christ where their understanding could be enlarged & their faith established. They had concerns, they had questions and they voiced their opinions to him. As they followed Jesus he addressed their concerns and answered their questions. As he does us today as we follow him. In his presence they could learn all that they needed to know.
The principle remains the same today. We can learn all we need to know if we remain in his presence.
The importance of having the Holy Ghost.
John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
It is the Holy Ghost that teaches, that leads, that guides, that instructs. This is how Jesus now dwells with us by God's spirit that lives within us. Scripture let's us know if we do not have the spirit of Christ we are none of his. Romans 8:9
Question: If you don’t have the Holy Spirit who is leading and teaching you? 🤔
If you don’t have it, ask for it, keep praying until the Holy Spirit fills YOU & the room. He gives the Holy Spirit to them that ask. Yield & let the Lord in. I promise you’ll never be the same. Taste & see that the Lord is good. Take his yoke upon you & learn of him. For his yoke is easy & his burden is light! 🙏🏽
You will never be the same 🙌🏾