They screamed “Hosanna in the highest” this is used when we acknowledge Jesus for His ultimate sacrifice and what it means for us and mankind as a whole. This may not be something we often say out loud, but we can think it in our minds and feel it in our hearts in times of worship. In your quiet place of prayer, you may say thank you Jesus for your sacrifice this is Hosanna in the highest..
The greatest blessing in this is the understanding that even if we are in that place in life where we are pleading, we should acknowledge it as a form of worship, just like how we give praise and thanksgiving. This mindset shift will empower us to connect with God the father, Jesus & the Holy Spirit in worship and prayer more often.
No matter what we can approach God through prayer or worship the same. When we are at that place of feeling like we are failing or like we can’t go on, we can plead with God, “Please, hear me, talk to me, give me comfort and strength.”
On the other hand, when we are abiding in Christ and feel like we are overflowing, we shout praises: “Thank you, Jesus, You are so good! Thank you for my life! Thank you for making a way for me!” This is also proper use of hosanna.
God, I thank you for the times that I do not know my next step. I thank you because your Word says Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6) I thank you that I do not have to know everything and that you are my source Hosanna.
"Hosanna to the Son of David!""Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!" Hosanna in the highest.
Thank you Jesus is the best 👏🏽